Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Kinesiotaping now available!

Seen or heard of taping at the Olympics? Alison has now completed her first taping course is very excited about its possibilities in sports injuries, disc and postural problems.  

When applied properly, ROCKTAPE lifts the skin away from the muscle, which promotes blood flow. This increases endurance by promoting blood flow during an athletic event and the decompressive nature of the tape aids healing and pain relief. 

For more information visit: http://www.rocktape.net

Back Awareness Week 2012

8th-12th of October is Back Care Awareness week. The campaign's focus is on Builders back pain in particular and we will have a builders success story on our website soon. 

We are offering 25% off all 1st Osteopathic appointments for the whole of October. 

Please mention this to friends and family who may be suffering (not just builders!) and if they book you will receive 25% off your next appointment. Quote ref 'autumn'.